Full details coming soon.
See www.fasciablaster.com or www.ashleyblacksystems.com for additional information regarding blasting if you're unfamiliar.
For those who are familiar, here is my package details.
For Fascia Blasting only:
30min - good for 1 or 2 site specific focus areas depending on the area
60min - good for a light/quick general overall of the body or several site specific focus areas
90min - good for a deeper all over body and/or several site specific areas
120min - plenty of time to do a thorough and deeper all over body and/or numerous site specific focus areas
For heat, I currently use an infrared heat therapy blanket, or as i like to call "the burrito." It provides good all around heat and as some clients have stated after session, it has been a game changer in getting deeper with definite results and making the blasting less painful in their areas of sensitivity.
For Fascia Blasting with Heat Therapy options are:
50min total - 20min of heat before and during a 30min blasting session
80 min total - 20min of heat before and during a 60min blasting session
110min - 20min of heat before and during a 90min blasting session
140min - 20min of heat before and during a 120min blasting session
If you're wanting me to provide these services at your home then a $80 travel fee will be added on top of the standard pricing.
For Fascia Blasting with Heat & Vibration Therapy options are: (office only)
60min total - 20min of heat before and during a 30min blasting session + 10 vibration therapy after
90 min total - 20min of heat before and during a 60min blasting session + 10 vibration therapy after
120min - 20min of heat before and during a 90min blasting session + 10 vibration therapy after
150min - 20min of heat before and during a 120min blasting session + 10 vibration therapy after